“Life Starts All Over Again When It Gets Crisp In The Fall”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Monthly Curriculum
Links To Learning Curriculum Goals
This is a glimpse of what each classroom will be focusing on in the upcoming Month. Please see the classroom bulletin board for more detailed lessons.
Baby Sign Language this month is “More”. To sign the word more, make an ‘O’ shape with each hand and tap them together repeatedly. For further assistance, feel free to ask your child’s teacher to show you this sign.
This month, your child will learn basic shapes, work on understanding of same versus different, and identify his favorite foods.
This month, your child will describe the size of various objects, and listen to different types of music, and learn about healthy sleep, food, and exercise habits.
This month, your child will retell stories including the main characters and events, build subtraction skills, and use a journal to communicate her thoughts and ideas.
Read Together, Talk Together
***This is a glimpse of what books will be introduced this month. Please see classroom bulletin boards for additional themed books.
– Peace at Last
– Goodnight Moon
– The Wolf’s Chicken Stew
– Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks
Vocabulary Words:
November, Thanksgiving, Cornucopia, Pilgrim, Native American, Teepee, Tomahawk, Village, Peace, Mayflower, Corn, Plenty, Squash, Feast, Friendship.
Monthly Spotlight: Rice Crispy Treat Turkey Pops
striped straws or craft sticks
baking sheet lined with parchment paper
non-stick silicone baking mat or use powdered sugar dusted on a cutting board
fondant rolling pin
Dip the tip of your straw in melted chocolate.
Push it into one end of the Rice Krispie Treat.
Allow that to dry.
Dip the cereal treat into the melted chocolate.
Remove and allow all the excess chocolate to drip off.
Set it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
If using pure milk chocolate, refrigerate for 5-10 minutes until set. If using light cocoa candy melts, freeze for 5-10 minutes. Allow to come to room temperature before decorating.
Color some modeling chocolate using red, orange and black candy coloring. Roll all the colors of modeling chocolate out to about 1/16th of an inch. You can roll it out on a non-stick silicone baking mat or on a cutting board lightly dusted with some powdered sugar.
Cut out triangles from the orange for the beaks. Pinch off tiny pieces of red and roll into a tear drop, then shape into the Turkey’s waddle. Use the black for the pupils. Cut two different size rounds from the white for the eyes.
Very lightly brush the backsides of all facial feature decorations to attach to turkey and each other.
From Our Education Department
With cooler weather and Thanksgiving right around the corner, many of us will be spending more time in the kitchen. Use this time to invite your child to join you in the meal-making experience. As he is exposed to new foods and food preparation, he will begin to feel more[.....]
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November 2016 Newsletter
Monthly Curriculum
Links To Learning Curriculum Goals
This is a glimpse of what each classroom will be focusing on in the upcoming Month. Please see the classroom bulletin board for more detailed lessons.
Baby Sign Language this month is “More”. To sign the word more, make an ‘O’ shape with each hand and tap them together repeatedly. For further assistance, feel free to ask your child’s teacher to show you this sign.
This month, your child will learn basic shapes, work on understanding of same versus different, and identify his favorite foods.
This month, your child will describe the size of various objects, and listen to different types of music, and learn about healthy sleep, food, and exercise habits.
This month, your child will retell stories including the main characters and events, build subtraction skills, and use a journal to communicate her thoughts and ideas.
Read Together, Talk Together
– Goodnight Moon
– The Wolf’s Chicken Stew
– Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks
Monthly Spotlight: Rice Crispy Treat Turkey Pops
baking sheet lined with parchment paper
non-stick silicone baking mat or use powdered sugar dusted on a cutting board
fondant rolling pin
Dip the tip of your straw in melted chocolate.
Push it into one end of the Rice Krispie Treat.
Allow that to dry.
Dip the cereal treat into the melted chocolate.
Remove and allow all the excess chocolate to drip off.
Set it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Very lightly brush the backsides of all facial feature decorations to attach to turkey and each other.
From Our Education Department
Learning Through the Joy of Cooking
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