A Note From Our Principal
It’s finally fall and we can’t wait to experience everything this season has to offer with our students and families. We are looking forward to taking the learning outside and are planning special hands-on learning activities in all of our classrooms. This month we have several amazing family events as well. We hope you can attend!
Carrington Academy
Weather Reminders
Despite the unpredictability of fall weather we try to ensure that our students spend time outdoors each day. Please make sure your child has a jacket available and a weather appropriate change of clothes in their cubby at all times. We have many fun outdoor activities scheduled for this month and don’t want any of our students to miss out!
Fall Classroom Parties
We will hold our fall parties on October, 31st, times will be posted as well as emailed closer to the date. Parents are welcome and children are encouraged to wear their favorite pajamas. After the parties our classes will go trick-or-treating in our school. We are collecting small toys and healthy treats, please let us know if you would like to contribute.
Important Dates
October 2nd – $2.00 Jeans and Pink Day
October 5th—Check cubbies for weather appropriate clothing!
October 8th-22nd—Little Caesar’s Fundraiser
October 12th – Parent Appreciation Breakfast 7am-9am
October 15th-19th- Private Programs Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign-ups are posted on your teacher’s door)
October 18th – Fall Festival Raffle Basket Items Due
October 19th – Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat 6:30pm-8:30pm (Please check with the front desk on items we would love to have donated)
October 29th – Crazy Sock Day
October 31st—Halloween Parties and Pajamas (Please see your teacher for your classroom’s party time)
October 31st—Monthly parent folders go home
Monthly Curriculum
In our infant program, we start using baby sign language from the earliest months. Baby signs are common terms that have been modified and simplified from American Sign Language. The sign for this month is “Mommy”. To sign the word “mommy” tap your thumb on your chin repeatedly.
This month your toddler will begin to develop an increased self-awareness and awareness of others.
This month, your child will answer “what,” “where” and “yes/no” questions, identify one object versus many, and learn the names of community helpers.
This month, your child will learn to whisper, name basic three-dimensional shapes, describe how objects are similar and different, and name and explore the five sense.
This month, your child will learn to describe people or objects in more detail, describe a story’s main characters and setting, and identify objects associated with fire safety.
Read Together, Talk Together
–There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves by: Lucille Colandro
–The Seasons Fall by: Nuria Roca
–The Biggest Pumpkin Surprise Ever by: Steven Kroll
Monthly Spotlight
Are you looking for fun activities to do with the kids this Fall?
Well, look no further! Here are over one hundred fun ways to play and explore!
From Our Education Department
September, 2018
Topics: Language & Literacy
Summer is ending soon and fall is right around the corner! Now is a great time to snuggle up with your little one and read books that introduce the seasonal changes to come. Below are some books to get you started. 1. Baby Loves Fall by Karen Katz (ages 0-2[.....]
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October 2018 Newsletter
A Note From Our Principal
It’s finally fall and we can’t wait to experience everything this season has to offer with our students and families. We are looking forward to taking the learning outside and are planning special hands-on learning activities in all of our classrooms. This month we have several amazing family events as well. We hope you can attend!
Carrington Academy
Weather Reminders
Despite the unpredictability of fall weather we try to ensure that our students spend time outdoors each day. Please make sure your child has a jacket available and a weather appropriate change of clothes in their cubby at all times. We have many fun outdoor activities scheduled for this month and don’t want any of our students to miss out!
Fall Classroom Parties
We will hold our fall parties on October, 31st, times will be posted as well as emailed closer to the date. Parents are welcome and children are encouraged to wear their favorite pajamas. After the parties our classes will go trick-or-treating in our school. We are collecting small toys and healthy treats, please let us know if you would like to contribute.
Important Dates
October 2nd – $2.00 Jeans and Pink Day
October 5th—Check cubbies for weather appropriate clothing!
October 8th-22nd—Little Caesar’s Fundraiser
October 12th – Parent Appreciation Breakfast 7am-9am
October 15th-19th- Private Programs Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign-ups are posted on your teacher’s door)
October 18th – Fall Festival Raffle Basket Items Due
October 19th – Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat 6:30pm-8:30pm (Please check with the front desk on items we would love to have donated)
October 29th – Crazy Sock Day
October 31st—Halloween Parties and Pajamas (Please see your teacher for your classroom’s party time)
October 31st—Monthly parent folders go home
Monthly Curriculum
In our infant program, we start using baby sign language from the earliest months. Baby signs are common terms that have been modified and simplified from American Sign Language. The sign for this month is “Mommy”. To sign the word “mommy” tap your thumb on your chin repeatedly.
This month your toddler will begin to develop an increased self-awareness and awareness of others.
This month, your child will answer “what,” “where” and “yes/no” questions, identify one object versus many, and learn the names of community helpers.
This month, your child will learn to whisper, name basic three-dimensional shapes, describe how objects are similar and different, and name and explore the five sense.
This month, your child will learn to describe people or objects in more detail, describe a story’s main characters and setting, and identify objects associated with fire safety.
Read Together, Talk Together
–There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves by: Lucille Colandro
–The Seasons Fall by: Nuria Roca
–The Biggest Pumpkin Surprise Ever by: Steven Kroll
Monthly Spotlight
Are you looking for fun activities to do with the kids this Fall?
Well, look no further! Here are over one hundred fun ways to play and explore!
From Our Education Department
Fall into a Good Book with Your Child
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