A Note From Our Principal,
Happy spring! We have a fun and busy month planned for our students. In each classroom we are focusing on art and science activities that celebrate spring and our students are looking forward to the egg hunt later this month. Our students always love our annual Earth Day celebration and this year we are releasing 15,000 ladybugs before putting on a school-wide Earth Day parade.
As we look forward to the next school year, please remember to let us know that your family intends to return. Please contact me the front desk for questions or concerns.
Lisa Davis
Summer Camp
We are gearing up for another summer of fun and learning. For our preschool students the summer camp curriculum is an extension of Links to Learning. We bring in special visitors and add special enhancements and activities to each classroom. School-age children will go on field trips, play games, explore STEAM learning concepts and have the opportunity to expand their interests. Please sign up at the front desk.
School-wide Egg Hunt & Spring Classroom Parties
Our students are spending the month of April learning about spring by creating spring themed art, learning about plants in science lessons, and spending lots of time outside. To celebrate the season we are holding an egg hunt on April 19, starting at 2:30 p.m. The egg hunt will conclude with a spring celebration in each classroom. Parents are welcome to attend, but photos will be sent through Links 2 Home for those who cannot.
Earth Day Celebrations We are so excited for our annual ladybug release to commemorate Earth Day! On Monday, April 22nd, each classroom will be releasing ladybugs onto the playgrounds and grassy areas around our school. Our students are also having a ladybug parade complete with festive spring hats that are made from recyclables. The ladybug release is at 10:00 a.m. directly followed by the parade. Parents are welcome to attend, but we will take lots of photos!
Important Dates
April 1st-5th – Spring break for Forsyth County schools
April 8th-12th – Week of the Young Child
April 16th- “National wear your pajamas to work day”
April 19th—Egg Hunt and Classroom Parties, 3:00 p.m.
April 21st—Easter
April 22nd—Earth Day Ladybug Release and Parade, 10:00 a.m.
April 30th—Parent folders go home
From Our Education Department
April, 2019
Topics: Social Emotional
Reinforcement is a great way to reward your child for good behavior. When rewards follow desired behavior, they can help boost your child’s self-esteem and character development, and increase the likelihood the behavior will be repeated. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions related to positive[.....]
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April Newsletter
A Note From Our Principal,
Happy spring! We have a fun and busy month planned for our students. In each classroom we are focusing on art and science activities that celebrate spring and our students are looking forward to the egg hunt later this month. Our students always love our annual Earth Day celebration and this year we are releasing 15,000 ladybugs before putting on a school-wide Earth Day parade.
As we look forward to the next school year, please remember to let us know that your family intends to return. Please contact me the front desk for questions or concerns.
Lisa Davis
Summer Camp
We are gearing up for another summer of fun and learning. For our preschool students the summer camp curriculum is an extension of Links to Learning. We bring in special visitors and add special enhancements and activities to each classroom. School-age children will go on field trips, play games, explore STEAM learning concepts and have the opportunity to expand their interests. Please sign up at the front desk.
School-wide Egg Hunt & Spring Classroom Parties
Our students are spending the month of April learning about spring by creating spring themed art, learning about plants in science lessons, and spending lots of time outside. To celebrate the season we are holding an egg hunt on April 19, starting at 2:30 p.m. The egg hunt will conclude with a spring celebration in each classroom. Parents are welcome to attend, but photos will be sent through Links 2 Home for those who cannot.
Earth Day Celebrations We are so excited for our annual ladybug release to commemorate Earth Day! On Monday, April 22nd, each classroom will be releasing ladybugs onto the playgrounds and grassy areas around our school. Our students are also having a ladybug parade complete with festive spring hats that are made from recyclables. The ladybug release is at 10:00 a.m. directly followed by the parade. Parents are welcome to attend, but we will take lots of photos!
Important Dates
April 1st-5th – Spring break for Forsyth County schools
April 8th-12th – Week of the Young Child
April 16th- “National wear your pajamas to work day”
April 19th—Egg Hunt and Classroom Parties, 3:00 p.m.
April 21st—Easter
April 22nd—Earth Day Ladybug Release and Parade, 10:00 a.m.
April 30th—Parent folders go home
From Our Education Department
April, 2019
Topics: Social Emotional
Reinforcement is a great way to reward your child for good behavior. When rewards follow desired behavior, they can help boost your child’s self-esteem and character development, and increase the likelihood the behavior will be repeated. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions related to positive[.....]
Positive Reinforcement 101: Answers to Some of Your FAQs
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