A Note from Our Principal,
Fall is in full swing and our students are enjoying the extra outdoor time, nature walks and seasonal curriculum activities. Our Playball, Amazing Athletes, dance and gymnastics ancillary programs are also back up and running, and we are enjoying watching our students learn and grow in their extracurricular activities. We will begin planning for our annual holiday giving community support initiative soon, so stay tuned for more information! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Nicole Wiggins
Fall Cubby Refresh
Our teachers have many fun outdoor activities planned for our students this month. Please check your child’s cubby and ensure that their extra set of clothes is weather appropriate so that your child can participate in everything planned for their class.
Your Opinion Matters!
Our parent survey is launching soon, and we’d appreciate you spending a few minutes to take the survey. You will receive an invitation by email on 10/2. Please let us know if you do not receive it!
School-Age & GA Pre K Fall Break
Our Hall county schools, and GA Pre K are closed on October 7-9 and Gwinnett County schools are closed 10-14, but we have a full week of fun and learning planned for our campers! Students will make fall decorations for the school, cook lunch together, play games and watch a fall themed movie. Visit the corn maze and Chick fila Please. Let us know no later than October 4th if your student would like to attend.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
We are hosting a pumpkin decorating contest! All family members are invited to participate to create a beautiful pumpkin. Students will help makes these pumpkins, so we ask pumpkins to be decorated not carved! Voting will take place the week of October 7-11 so please have your masterpiece here by October 7th. The winning pumpkin will be announced at our annual fall festival. Please cast a vote for your favorite pumpkin. The winning pumpkin gets a $25 tuition credit!
Fall Festival
Our second annual Fall festival will in Saturday October 12, from 12:00 PM-2:00 pm. We will have food, games, raffle baskets and lots of family fun!
We are kindly requesting donations of new items from parents to help create our baskets. Each classroom will have a different basket theme. We encourage each classroom to be creative and have fun, fun, fun! We’d like to make really awesome baskets to raffle off! In addition to basket items,
we are also in need of 3 medium or large wicker baskets (these can be gently used)
Basket Themes:
Infant one & two, Toddler one & two and Beginner one & two – “Tailgate”
Intermediate and Private Pre-K I & II -“Date Night”
Georgia Pre K and Afterschool – “Family Fun”
Invite your friends and neighbors! We would love to see there!
Halloween Parties
Our classrooms will be celebrating Halloween together with trunk-or-treating and a class party to follow on October 31st Starting at 3:00 pm for our Private Programs and 1:30 for GA Pre K. We ask that you please donate one bag of nut free candy for the trunk or treat. There will be a sign up for trunk or treat at the front desk for our private families and GA Pre K will have one in their carpool line. We can’t wait to see all our students in costume!
Important Dates
October 2nd—Parent survey emails go out
October 8th—Parent Appreciation Breakfast 7:30 am-9:30 am
October 8th—Librarian Visit Toddler-GA Pre K
October 8-14th—Hall County, GA Pre K & Gwinnett County Fall Break
October 23-24- Gwinnett County Early Release
October 31st— Trunk or Treat and Halloween parties, 3:00pm (private programs) 1:30 (GA Pre K)
October 31st—Links 2 Learning parent folders go home
From Our Education Department
October, 2019
Topics: Mathematics
Hands-on experiences help children understand foundational math concepts, such as number and shape recognition, patterning, sorting, and addition and subtraction. The activities below provide your child with valuable early exposure which will help him gain confidence for additional math skills presented in kindergarten and beyond. Toddlers (ages 1-2) Take a[.....]
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October Newsletter
A Note from Our Principal,
Fall is in full swing and our students are enjoying the extra outdoor time, nature walks and seasonal curriculum activities. Our Playball, Amazing Athletes, dance and gymnastics ancillary programs are also back up and running, and we are enjoying watching our students learn and grow in their extracurricular activities. We will begin planning for our annual holiday giving community support initiative soon, so stay tuned for more information! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Nicole Wiggins
Fall Cubby Refresh
Our teachers have many fun outdoor activities planned for our students this month. Please check your child’s cubby and ensure that their extra set of clothes is weather appropriate so that your child can participate in everything planned for their class.
Your Opinion Matters!
Our parent survey is launching soon, and we’d appreciate you spending a few minutes to take the survey. You will receive an invitation by email on 10/2. Please let us know if you do not receive it!
School-Age & GA Pre K Fall Break
Our Hall county schools, and GA Pre K are closed on October 7-9 and Gwinnett County schools are closed 10-14, but we have a full week of fun and learning planned for our campers! Students will make fall decorations for the school, cook lunch together, play games and watch a fall themed movie. Visit the corn maze and Chick fila Please. Let us know no later than October 4th if your student would like to attend.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
We are hosting a pumpkin decorating contest! All family members are invited to participate to create a beautiful pumpkin. Students will help makes these pumpkins, so we ask pumpkins to be decorated not carved! Voting will take place the week of October 7-11 so please have your masterpiece here by October 7th. The winning pumpkin will be announced at our annual fall festival. Please cast a vote for your favorite pumpkin. The winning pumpkin gets a $25 tuition credit!
Fall Festival
Our second annual Fall festival will in Saturday October 12, from 12:00 PM-2:00 pm. We will have food, games, raffle baskets and lots of family fun!
We are kindly requesting donations of new items from parents to help create our baskets. Each classroom will have a different basket theme. We encourage each classroom to be creative and have fun, fun, fun! We’d like to make really awesome baskets to raffle off! In addition to basket items,
we are also in need of 3 medium or large wicker baskets (these can be gently used)
Basket Themes:
Infant one & two, Toddler one & two and Beginner one & two – “Tailgate”
Intermediate and Private Pre-K I & II -“Date Night”
Georgia Pre K and Afterschool – “Family Fun”
Invite your friends and neighbors! We would love to see there!
Halloween Parties
Our classrooms will be celebrating Halloween together with trunk-or-treating and a class party to follow on October 31st Starting at 3:00 pm for our Private Programs and 1:30 for GA Pre K. We ask that you please donate one bag of nut free candy for the trunk or treat. There will be a sign up for trunk or treat at the front desk for our private families and GA Pre K will have one in their carpool line. We can’t wait to see all our students in costume!
Important Dates
October 2nd—Parent survey emails go out
October 8th—Parent Appreciation Breakfast 7:30 am-9:30 am
October 8th—Librarian Visit Toddler-GA Pre K
October 8-14th—Hall County, GA Pre K & Gwinnett County Fall Break
October 23-24- Gwinnett County Early Release
October 31st— Trunk or Treat and Halloween parties, 3:00pm (private programs) 1:30 (GA Pre K)
October 31st—Links 2 Learning parent folders go home
From Our Education Department
Early Math Exposure Adds Up to Later Success
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