Monthly Curriculum
The sign language this month is “brother” and “sister”. To sign the word “brother”, make both hands into and “L” shape. Hold one hand down by your chest, and place the other hand at your forehead. Bring your top hand down to meet your lower hand. To sign the word “sister”, make the same motion as the first, but place your hand at your chin and the other in front of your chest.
Art projects are fun and creative ways to develop your child’s fine motor skills. Small muscle activities, such as painting, help your child learn to control her hand and finger movements while developing creativity and independence.
This month, your child will answer “what” and “where”questions, understand the concept of five, and identify the names of family members.
This month, your child will add together two groups of objects, learn about various forms of transportation, and understand the meaning of traffic lights.
This month, your child will match the beginning sounds of words, describe a five step task in sequential order, and explore the differences between the daytime and nighttime sky.
Pre-K Two
This month, your child will sound out unfamiliar words independently, count by fives up to 25, and create and interpret a pie chart.
Read Together, Talk Together
Gilberto and the Wind
Little Cloud
Kite Flying
Rabbits and Raindrops
Monthly Spotlight
Please join us on Thursday, March 8th as we say THANK YOU to all of our amazing parents for their continuous support. Parents, we will provide you breakfast during drop off for you to enjoy that morning before heading off to work. We look forward to seeing you there.
We are asking that each family bring in one dozen pre-filled eggs for our Egg Hunt on Friday, March 30th. The pre-filled eggs should have an item that is individually wrapped, and nut free. Thank you in advance for your participation.
From Our Education Department
March, 2018
Topics: Language & Literacy
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss Our teachers are dedicated to creating literacy-rich environments every day of the year. March is especially festive because it’s National Reading Month and March 2nd is[.....]
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March 2018 Newsletter
Monthly Curriculum
The sign language this month is “brother” and “sister”. To sign the word “brother”, make both hands into and “L” shape. Hold one hand down by your chest, and place the other hand at your forehead. Bring your top hand down to meet your lower hand. To sign the word “sister”, make the same motion as the first, but place your hand at your chin and the other in front of your chest.
Art projects are fun and creative ways to develop your child’s fine motor skills. Small muscle activities, such as painting, help your child learn to control her hand and finger movements while developing creativity and independence.
This month, your child will answer “what” and “where”questions, understand the concept of five, and identify the names of family members.
This month, your child will add together two groups of objects, learn about various forms of transportation, and understand the meaning of traffic lights.
This month, your child will match the beginning sounds of words, describe a five step task in sequential order, and explore the differences between the daytime and nighttime sky.
Pre-K Two
This month, your child will sound out unfamiliar words independently, count by fives up to 25, and create and interpret a pie chart.
Read Together, Talk Together
Gilberto and the Wind
Little Cloud
Kite Flying
Rabbits and Raindrops
Monthly Spotlight
Please join us on Thursday, March 8th as we say THANK YOU to all of our amazing parents for their continuous support. Parents, we will provide you breakfast during drop off for you to enjoy that morning before heading off to work. We look forward to seeing you there.
We are asking that each family bring in one dozen pre-filled eggs for our Egg Hunt on Friday, March 30th. The pre-filled eggs should have an item that is individually wrapped, and nut free. Thank you in advance for your participation.
From Our Education Department
Make Reading Fun! Inspire a Love of Books at Every Age
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