We had such a fun filled February with your families and children! Our successful Kiss the Pig Fundraiser raising money for our school, the students and staff had so much fun with Mabel the pig. Fall registration is also due, spots are filling up quickly so make sure you get yours turned in as soon as possible. If you did not receive a copy stop by the front desk to pick one up.
March is a fun filled month of fun activities for your child. The teachers are excited for the warm weather coming in and are enjoying the extra time that thy get to spend with your children outside, as well as including fun activities outside in their lesson plans. The students will get to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day Parties, fun activities for the first day of Spring, and our annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Spring Break is right around the corner! We are so excited to spend this time with your children. We have some great activities planned for them that we hope they love. March 5 we will send out the forms, please make sure to turn them back in by March 23! Our spots fill up fast!
March 1-2- Spring Pictures
March 9- Parent Appreciation Breakfast
March 9- Forsyth County Schools Early Release
March 11 – Daylight Savings Time
March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Parties
March 29- Easter Egg Hunt and Class Parties
March, 2018
Topics: Language & Literacy
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss Our teachers are dedicated to creating literacy-rich environments every day of the year. March is especially festive because it’s National Reading Month and March 2nd is[.....]
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March 2018
We had such a fun filled February with your families and children! Our successful Kiss the Pig Fundraiser raising money for our school, the students and staff had so much fun with Mabel the pig. Fall registration is also due, spots are filling up quickly so make sure you get yours turned in as soon as possible. If you did not receive a copy stop by the front desk to pick one up.
March is a fun filled month of fun activities for your child. The teachers are excited for the warm weather coming in and are enjoying the extra time that thy get to spend with your children outside, as well as including fun activities outside in their lesson plans. The students will get to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day Parties, fun activities for the first day of Spring, and our annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Spring Break is right around the corner! We are so excited to spend this time with your children. We have some great activities planned for them that we hope they love. March 5 we will send out the forms, please make sure to turn them back in by March 23! Our spots fill up fast!
March 1-2- Spring Pictures
March 9- Parent Appreciation Breakfast
March 9- Forsyth County Schools Early Release
March 11 – Daylight Savings Time
March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Parties
March 29- Easter Egg Hunt and Class Parties
Make Reading Fun! Inspire a Love of Books at Every Age
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