Dear Carrington Families:
I can’t believe the holiday season is upon us already and we are approaching the end of 2016! I look forward to sharing this special time of the year with each of you and your precious children. December is a month that we at Carrington Academy look forward to. In this busy month, we enjoy talking about all of the holidays that our students celebrate. We talk about families, friends, love, giving and sharing. We are lucky to have families from a variety of different cultures/religions who celebrate different holidays. It is so wonderful for us to be able to share our holiday traditions. Learn and appreciate our likenesses and differences. It is also nice for us to talk to the children about giving to other families who don’t have as much as we do. Our Angel Tree project is a wonderful opportunity for the children to really experience this. This year Carrington Academy McFarland will be sponsoring 20 children, ages 5 and under, who are participants of the Angels Over Forsyth program. Angels Over Forsyth is a community driven volunteer program to provide an exciting Christmas to the “at risk” children placed with non-parental caregivers or otherwise removed from their family by the Department of Children and Family Services.
As we enter the holidays, my wish is that each child sees the beauty of the season and the goodness in each of us. However your family celebrates, I wish the warmest and joyous of times for each of you. May everyone’s heart open to the needs of those less fortunate as we show our children what it means to be truly blessed.
Thank you for all the support you have given me this school year. I look forward to working together to make this the best possible school for each of our special children. I can’t tell you how much your trust means to me. I wish you and your family a very safe and happy holiday season!
With warmest wishes,
Jan Beachy
The holidays are a busy time for all of us, filled with family traditions, get-togethers, shopping and traveling. With the hustle and bustle of it all, it’s important to pause and reflect on our many blessings and invite our children to do so as well. It’s a great time to[.....]
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December Newsletter
Dear Carrington Families:
I can’t believe the holiday season is upon us already and we are approaching the end of 2016! I look forward to sharing this special time of the year with each of you and your precious children. December is a month that we at Carrington Academy look forward to. In this busy month, we enjoy talking about all of the holidays that our students celebrate. We talk about families, friends, love, giving and sharing. We are lucky to have families from a variety of different cultures/religions who celebrate different holidays. It is so wonderful for us to be able to share our holiday traditions. Learn and appreciate our likenesses and differences. It is also nice for us to talk to the children about giving to other families who don’t have as much as we do. Our Angel Tree project is a wonderful opportunity for the children to really experience this. This year Carrington Academy McFarland will be sponsoring 20 children, ages 5 and under, who are participants of the Angels Over Forsyth program. Angels Over Forsyth is a community driven volunteer program to provide an exciting Christmas to the “at risk” children placed with non-parental caregivers or otherwise removed from their family by the Department of Children and Family Services.
As we enter the holidays, my wish is that each child sees the beauty of the season and the goodness in each of us. However your family celebrates, I wish the warmest and joyous of times for each of you. May everyone’s heart open to the needs of those less fortunate as we show our children what it means to be truly blessed.
Thank you for all the support you have given me this school year. I look forward to working together to make this the best possible school for each of our special children. I can’t tell you how much your trust means to me. I wish you and your family a very safe and happy holiday season!
With warmest wishes,
Jan Beachy
Helping Children Develop the Spirit of Giving
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